Thermocouples are low-impedance temperature sensors that work by producing electro-motive forces (milliVolt) and these EMF's are correlated to a temperature based on a curve specified for that particular and unique to each thermocouple calibration. The EMF produced occurs due to temperature gradients along the wires and not only at the junction. This phenomenon can be explained in three scientific theories called the Seebeck effect, the Peltier effect, and the Thompson effect.
Three laws of thermoelectric circuits explain the thermocouple behavior:
1) The Law of Intermediate Metals.
According to the Thermocouple Law of Intermediate Metals, inserting any type of wire into a thermocouple circuit has no effect on the output as long as both ends of that wire are the same temperature, or isothermal.
2) The Law of Homogeneous Metals.
This law states that a thermocouple circuit that is made with a homogeneous wire cannot generate an EMF, even if it is at different temperatures and thicknesses throughout. In other words, a thermocouple must be made from at least two different materials in order to generate a voltage.
3) The Law of Intermediate Temperatures.
If two dissimilar homogeneous metals produce a thermal EMF of X; it will remain at that number if a third material is introduced into the circuit, if both ends of that third material are at the same temperature.
The millivolt signal produced by the thermocouple is a very, very, very low level signal. Thus, transmitting this signal over a long distance may be difficult if any extraneous "noise" is introduced into the system. This noise may cause errors in the EMF signal. Twisted and shielded thermocouple extension wire should be used in areas with excessive "noise" to help eliminate the problem.
The lead wire that extends from the thermocouple must match the calibration (same metal alloys) of the thermocouple. This lead wire continues to transmit the signal from the thermocouple to the instrument, and as long as it is one homogeneous metal, it will not produce an EMF along that length even if it does experience temperature gradients.
The milliVolt output of a thermocouple depends on the magnitude of the temperature difference between the measuring junction and the reference junction. The reference junction (or cold jonction) is the end to which the thermocouple is connected. While the hot measuring junction is stable at a given temperature, the output of the point at which the reference junction is made must be compensated for in the instrumentation. This is accomplished through "cold junction Compensation." The temperature of the cold junction is measured and calculated into the overall EMF signal to obtain the accurate hot junction temperature, or the temperature of the process.
Selection of the optimum type of thermocouple and components for a thermal system is necessarily based on a number of variables or factors of the application. The temperature range, accuracy required, resistance to atmospheric conditions, and pressure are typical thermocouple variables for any given application.
The preceding technical information and application hints are intended to serve only as a guide for thermocouple selection.
The process environment determines the type of thermocouple used. Temperature, atmosphere, protection, response, accuracies and service life should be considered. Determine your application temperature range and select the thermocouple type, for example: J, K, E, T or N. There are a number of sheath alloys that will withstand the atmospheres and possible corrosives and temperatures.